As you know, if you follow us on our site or social media, our business is based on the wild, wacky, bizarre, and off-beat holidays not typically celebrated in the mainstream. Well, one of our bucket list goals was to create a National Holiday…and we have officially done so! So drumroll please…..Welcome to November 30th – National Mason Jar Day.

Here is the official article and Proclamation!


On November 30, National Mason Jar Day commemorates an ingenious invention that’s been bringing families together for generations.

While some forms of food preservation have existed for centuries, it wasn’t until John Landis Mason’s patent #22186 for an “Improvement in screwneck bottles” was issued that home canning became a safe reality. The young tinsmith from New Jersey had created a revolutionary design.

Ever since, gardeners have stocked their pantries from their victory gardens, padded their wallets with their heirloom collections, and shared their bounty as colorful gifts. Mason jars pull double duty as beautiful DIY projects in shabby chic vases or as an artfully painted desk caddy.

However, these versatile vessels are used, on National Mason Jar Day delight in their existence and their utility.


Share all your favorite ways to use Mason Jars. Whether you fill them with your favorite recipes, a miniature fairy garden or hang them from a chandelier, show your appreciation for the Mason jar and use #NationalMasonJarDay on social media.

Simply by opening a jar of fruit preserves or spicy salsa, we enjoy the flavors of summer in the midst of winter. For those who love to pickle, the Mason jar makes it possible to pickle just about every fruit and vegetable in the garden. From green beans to watermelon, we can make it sweet or spicy!


Misty Campbell-Olbert, the founder of Unboxing the Bizarre, founded National Mason Jar Day to celebrate a day that should have existed a long time ago! Mason jars are synonymous with ingenuity, independence, and creativity – all things worthy of celebration!

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Mason Jar Day to be observed annually beginning in 2017.

Official Proclamation Page: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-mason-jar-day-november-30/



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