October 11th It’s My Party Day

Why do we always wait for a birthday or Christmas or Halloween to have a party? Everyday is worth celebrating so everyday should be a party day. You can always find something to celebrate, even if it’s just being alive.


Of course this is the season for it. So many things to celebrate. Fall, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and a bunch of Jewish and Arab holidays I can’t begin to spell. There are all sort of parties to have too. Costume, masquerade, football (College), beer, extend October Fest, and of course, just a party for the sake of having  a party.

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A sixteen year old Leslie Gore sang about it in 1963 and turned it into a hit. Of course in her version she cried a lot but then you sort of expect that with a sixteen year old girl. (Or boy in some cases)


You could even throw a party for your animals! I mean why not!?! They give a lot to you (Some of which you may not want) so give a little back to them! They may not appreciate all you do for the party but at least you can enjoy the party for them.

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How to celebrate – Throw a party for some bizarre reason and confuse everybody. Claim every day is your birthday! Throw a party for someone you don’t even know.

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