January 21st National Hugging Day

Who doesn’t want a hug? Okay, maybe not if you just came inside from a mud battle with the kids but how often does that happen? Hugs aren’t just a human thing either. Dogs, cats, elephants, practically every creature in the world hugs. It reassures someone, provides comfort and equalizes us. After all, whether you are wealthy or homeless, the idea of a hug means the same thing. For years men were shunned for hugging, that’s changed. Now a hug shows that you mean something more to someone than just a handshake or nod. Today was created by Rev. Kevin Zaborney in 1986 and we thank him. For today we can hug without being thought of asout of place or out of step.

How to celebrate – Hug someone. Hug your pets. Receive a hug without judgement.

November 24th All Our Uncles Are Monkeys Day

Well depending on whether you are a follower of Darwin or not, you may or may not believe in evolution. The discovery of “Lucy” by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray in 1971 goes a long way to proving our ancestors may have been monkeys. Of course, they may not be as well. In all reality we may never know. “Lucy” was an Australopithecus Afarenisis, or an ape. If some of the scientists believe we may be related to apes, I guess it is possible that some of our Uncles are apes, but if our Uncles are apes then doesn’t that mean the rest of us are apes too!?! (Or did our Aunts just have strange taste in men?) So, do you think you are a monkey? (And yes I know monkeys and apes are not the same thing)

How to celebrate – Go see “Lucy”. Build a tree house. Start a family tree.

May 18th International Museum Day

May 18th International Museum Day

Museums remind of us of where we have been, and possibly show us where we are going as well. Things we just can’t live without today had to come from somewhere and generally those proto-types can be found in museums all over the world.  Of course, museums also teach us about animals and nature as well. This day was created in 1977 by the International Council of Museums.

How to celebrate – Visit a museum. Look for all the antiques in your house.  Donate historical items you no longer want to a museum so that others can enjoy them.